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“No one had lived in the house for two years.”

The large house that was once filled with warmth and life now stood cold and dark. The past of a home that was once loved was nowhere to be seen. A musty smell hung in the air and the walls were damp with dew. With every gust of wind that flew through the ageing building, a creaky groan sound from every cracked, dusty corner. A haunted feel lingered in the air.

The ocean

  • Glittering
  • Sand
  • Waves
  • Crashing
  • Golden
  • Sunset
  • Shells
  • Footprints
  • Boats
  • Stingray
  • Jetty
  • Lapping
  • Dolphins
  • Unpredictable
  • Stormy
  • Calm
  • Beautiful
  • Sand
  • Foam

The fine grains lay glinting in the sunlight, not even a breath of wind rolling them from one place to another. The atmosphere was still, peaceful. It seemed as thought the whole world was asleep. Time does not exist on this stretch of beach. You could spend eternity looking out at the great beauty that covers more than half the planet. You could spend a lifetime wondering if there was an unknown world lying beneath the surface, untouched by the hands of man, beyond the reach of what we perceive to be possible. The sea has many moods, controlled by mother nature. One day the water will be gently drawing in and out, creating a soft hushed sound. The next it could be roaring with anger, stirring up life from the very depths of the sea floor. A blanket of salty air hangs just above the water.

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